Re-Opening COVID-19

Contact Kids Childcare and Preschool Vaughan


Will there be a screening process in place daily as staff and children enter the centre?

  • Yes, every morning you will be asked to arrive at a set time that is scheduled with the Centre Supervisor/Director.
  • Your Child will have a daily screening for symptoms and their temperature will be taken to check for a fever before entering the centre.
  • The bottom of your child’s shoes will be sprayed with disinfectant before entering the centre.
  • Kids Supervisor/Director will be at the door to escort your child to their classroom.

Are parents allowed into the center?
No. Parents are not allowed into the center in order to minimize risk to your child and all other Kids Childcare + Preschool Inc. children and staff. The Supervisor/Director will greet your child at the front door and if you have any information or questions you can speak to the teacher at that time. We encourage you check in on Brightwheel with your child’s teachers throughout the day.

Class sizes will be reduced, how will you prioritize what child gets a spot at the center?
In accordance with the Ontario Ministry of Education guidelines, when determining prioritization, we will consider:

  • Returning children served through emergency childcare to their original placement and continuity of service for these families.
  • Care for families where parents must return to work outside of the home.
  • Families with special circumstances that would benefit from children returning to care.
  • Other local circumstances.

Will there be additional space in each center to maintain physical distancing and follow government rules of a 10-person maximum capacity (staff and children) per classroom?

  • We are currently working with our present space adhering to government regulations of reduced ratios.
  • Until indicated otherwise, each classroom will operate as a unit of no more than 10 people to ensure that there is opportunity for physical distancing.
  • Additionally, programming and scheduling will be modified in order to support these physical distancing guidelines.

What cleaning measures will be in place?

  • We have created a full-time position, the “Cleaning Fairy”, which will be responsible for the disinfecting and cleaning of the school throughout the school day.


  • The Cleaning Fairy will also ensure that the school is full disinfected and cleaned at the end of each school day.
  • Prior to opening, the Centre will be fully cleaned and disinfected to prepare for the return of staff and children.
  • Additionally, in accordance with the Ontario Ministry of Education guidelines and York Region Public Health:
    • Frequently touched surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected throughout the day (i.e. doorknobs, light switches, toilets and faucet handles, Brightwheel iPads, countertops, kids’ bathrooms, chairs and tables etc.).
  • We will follow local public health advice regarding best practices for cleaning and disinfecting of all items.

Will staff be required to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)?
Welcome Centre hosts working at the screening area outside will be required to wear PPE gear (masks, shields, gloves and gowns). Classroom staff will follow York Region Public Health requirements (i.e. wearing a mask when in close contact with children – during diapering, feeding, dressing).

Will children be required to wear masks?

In accordance with the Ontario Ministry of Education guidelines masks are not recommended for children under the age of two. If you require your older child to wear a mask, please inform the Supervisor at your child’s centre and ensure you provide your child with a clean mask daily.

If a child falls ill while at the centre, they may be required to wear a mask until they are picked up.

What are the protocols when a child or staff demonstrates symptoms of illness or becomes sick?
Parents/guardians, children or staff must stay home if they are sick, even if symptoms resemble a mild cold.

** Symptoms to look for include but are not limited to: fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, headache, diarrhea and a general feeling of being unwell**

Children who fall ill will be immediately isolated with a staff member in a designated room or area. Both child and staff will wear the PPE required for isolation. A parent/guardian will be called immediately to pick up their child. All parents are expected to pick up their ill child within 30 minutes.

A child will not be able to return to the childcare centre until he/she is symptom free for 24 hours and has clearance from a doctor.

  • The isolation room as well as all items used by sick child will be cleaned and sanitized. Items that cannot be sanitized must be removed and disposed of.
  • If a child or staff becomes sick while in the program, they will be isolated according to our protocols.
  • Upon re-opening, all returning staff will present a negative Covid-19 test result and must be symptom free.
  • If a child or staff falls ill with symptoms, Public Health will be notified, and their advice will be followed.
  • Where a child or staff is suspected of having or has a confirmed case of COVID-19, Kids Childcare + Preschool will report this to the Ministry of Education as a Serious Occurrence.
  • Other children, including siblings of the sick child, and child care staff/providers in the program who were present while the child or staff member became ill should be identified as a close contact and further cohort (i.e., grouped together) until they can be picked up by parents/guardians to self-isolate at home. The local public health unit will provide any further direction on testing and isolation of these close contacts.


Will staff be allowed to have physical contact with the children (comfort, hugs, high five)?
YES! We have been encouraged by experts to treat the children in a warm and welcoming way as we did before the pandemic. However, we will remind children to practice proper hand hygiene when interacting with others. Additionally, for younger children who need to be lifted and/or carried, staff will use a small blanket as a barrier between themselves and the child.


How will the waitlist be managed during this time?
The wait list is being maintained and families on the list will be called if new spaces become available. However, we cannot predict with certainty when spaces will be available.


What happens if my child is supposed to have transitioned to the next class?
Management will continue to plan for transitions between groups based on age groupings and based on the cohort guidelines provided to us from the Ministry of Education.


What is the protocol in place regarding personal belongings being stored on site?
Each child should bring:

  1. 2 changes of clothing


  2. Hat for outdoor play
  3. Sunscreen
  4. Diapers & Wipes (if needed)
  5. Nap/Rest Time Pacifier
  6. Diaper Cream (If needed)
  7. Medication or Inhalers (if needed)
  8. Epi-Pen (if needed)

No backpacks will be permitted into the centre. When your child arrives, all of their personal items will be placed in a bag labelled with the child’s name (centre will provide labelled bag).

We will be washing the children’s extra clothes and blankets at the center to limit the exchange of clothing coming into the centre from home.

If you have more questions please call 289-843-5437.

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